Monday, March 9, 2009

T1W9 Adventures of 2046 (9)

Initially we were pretty worried over the costs to attend so many courses and to put on dental braces. We were relieved to know that our company would underwrite the full costs as it was written in the contract that the company was to pay any course fees they required us to attend.

Dance lessons started, and three of us are coping fairly well as we have had more or less some experience in dance. Taroko could not catch up in some parts of dance as she have not had any experience in it at all, so the teacher was extremely harsh on her. The dance teacher told her bluntly that if she does not put in double the effort she would soon lag far behind us, and not be able to catch up easily. She was quite sad after being lectured, so three of us treated her to a meal at Subway, though not exactly sumptuous because we could not afford too expensive meals. Though it was not a expensive meal, we could see that Taroko really appreciated our gesture.

Sometimes, things got so busy that when we finally had time to sit at the attic and talk our hearts out to reminisce into the past, we will have a feeling of nostalgia. Thinking back, where we could spend time with our parents, siblings and play computer games everyday, it was totally different from now! Though we may miss the pass, but it would be mendacious if i said we did not enjoy our lives now. As youths, being able to learn so many new things which our peers would most likely not the chance to, was a big privilege.


  1. hey hey (: cool posts and nice storyline ! :D

  2. & nice usage of words too ! your storyline is very interesting and i look forward to reading your next posts . :D

  3. nice story that continues every week.. love to follow up=)
