Thursday, January 29, 2009

T1W3 Adventures of 2046 (3)

In a matter of months, 2046 rose to stardom and subjugated the entertainment industry. Posters, advertisments, broadcasts, magazines and everyone was talking about us. Even when we were so popular, we were not very happy, as we were not adapting to the hectic lives we were leading. We yearned for a haven to retreat in, away from the busy lives we had. As such, school frequently clashed with rehearsals or practice, therefore conflicts broke out. We discussed long and hard and eventuate in a viable plan, to make up for the rehearsals we missed. We planned to practice every night in the garage to enhance our chemistry and skills.

Rumours permeated the Internet, about the members of 2046 being at loggerheads. That's what it is like when someone rises to stardom. Calls came in, emails flooded our inbox, but we did not know how to handle it. Our manager was then introduced to us. His name was X, Manager X. We did not query about his name as we were attracted by his dressing style and his handsome looks. Dressed in a red skull shirt under a black vest with chains, donning leather pants, his eyes hidden under aviator shades. Spiked golden hair, long sideburns and his fringe combed to the left, he was a typical hip hop punk kind of guy. Though he was merely 17, with his looks and his well built body structure, it was enough to cause me to not be able to make my eyes leave him.

In a bid to surpress the rumours, he told the media that 2046 had been arranged in a trip to go overseas, to relieve the stress we had gone through these days. Nothing more was said, neither the location nor duration. That left our supporters feeling cryptic but at least it surpressed the rumours.

P.s See where we are going for our vacation!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Can one improve his or her English skills?

I believe one will be able to improve his or her English skills with more practice, hard work and the will to succeed. Only when you believe you can succeed, then you will be able to. If you don't believe that you will be able to improve, you won't.

No one will have perfect English or a wide vocabulary from the time they start to learn english. Some people always wonder why some people can do better that others, however they do not put in effort to learn, but only envy those people with good english results. It is only from hard work that they will be able to improve their english skills, so it is definitely possible to improve their english skills.

By reading a wide range of books and gaining more exposure to different words that you will find in the books, you can widen your vocabulary and know more words as you read, so that difficult words don't stumble you. Clear your doubts whenever you are unclear about a word or don't understand things, and it will help you to be able to perform better as you understand what the question requires you to write to answer the question, so that you will get the marks you deserve. Lastly, you must believe that you will succeed even when others may think your chances of improving your english skills are slim. You should not believe what others say but rather, believe in yourself that you are able to do it.

In conclusion, I believe that one will definitely be able to improve his or her english skills with the proper help and the hard work they put it. Nothing is impossible if you work hard.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

T1W2 Adventures of 2046 (2)

In this fortuitous meeting, we had this fate to become members of the same band, and were required to live together as stated in the contract, in a bungalow provided by the company. Living together was quite a challenge to overcome, especially with our incoherent characters. However, we managed to reach a consensus to live in harmony with each other as harmony breeds wealth. Pretty soon, we began getting along so well that we looked like sisters whenever we were together. We shared secrets, fun, enjoyment and were extremely close that we shared almost everything but underwear. We started out busy lives as invitations to participate in entertainment shows, acting and recording our own albums, and our pictures appeared on placards soon after. Many more stuff soon came up and our lives were still filled with fun and enjoyment. Though our schedules were really paacked, we still found time to practice on each of our instruments. We really enjoyed such flamboyant lives as this is when we started to live our lives to the fullest. Everyone in the band soon became integral parts of the band, even our lives.

Monday, January 12, 2009

T1W1 Adventures of 2046 (1)

The waiting room was inundate with people waiting for their turn to audition for a band. The four winners would be able to form a band, and would be able to rise to stardom. Many people were too nervous and resulted in them being garbled about which notes to play. This was also where I met three passionate musicians: Chiro-a guitarist, Taroko-a singer who plays the flute as well and Sasuke-a keyboardist. They did not panic like most of them did. Meticulously, they cleaned and tuned their instruments, hoping to present the most perfect music as well as they could. Many of the other contestants left after fruitless attempts. Not forgetting to introduce myself, a zealous drummer, whose biggest dream is to be able to share my passion for music with the world-Picho.

After my turn for the audition, I was told to enter a conference room, where I saw the three musicians I met earlier. The company handed us a contract and after signing, a band name was decided on. This is where my life reached the first turning point. I was only 14 when this band, 2046 was formed. However, little did I know my life would change conpletely at this turning be continued.