Monday, January 12, 2009

T1W1 Adventures of 2046 (1)

The waiting room was inundate with people waiting for their turn to audition for a band. The four winners would be able to form a band, and would be able to rise to stardom. Many people were too nervous and resulted in them being garbled about which notes to play. This was also where I met three passionate musicians: Chiro-a guitarist, Taroko-a singer who plays the flute as well and Sasuke-a keyboardist. They did not panic like most of them did. Meticulously, they cleaned and tuned their instruments, hoping to present the most perfect music as well as they could. Many of the other contestants left after fruitless attempts. Not forgetting to introduce myself, a zealous drummer, whose biggest dream is to be able to share my passion for music with the world-Picho.

After my turn for the audition, I was told to enter a conference room, where I saw the three musicians I met earlier. The company handed us a contract and after signing, a band name was decided on. This is where my life reached the first turning point. I was only 14 when this band, 2046 was formed. However, little did I know my life would change conpletely at this turning be continued.

1 comment:

  1. HELLO !
    even though i'm like next to you in the comp lab right now , i still gotta comment on this . .____.
    SO :
    nice posts about adventures of 2046 . :D how did you come up with such creative posts ? HAHAHA , next time give me some inspiration okay ? xD
