Thursday, January 29, 2009

T1W3 Adventures of 2046 (3)

In a matter of months, 2046 rose to stardom and subjugated the entertainment industry. Posters, advertisments, broadcasts, magazines and everyone was talking about us. Even when we were so popular, we were not very happy, as we were not adapting to the hectic lives we were leading. We yearned for a haven to retreat in, away from the busy lives we had. As such, school frequently clashed with rehearsals or practice, therefore conflicts broke out. We discussed long and hard and eventuate in a viable plan, to make up for the rehearsals we missed. We planned to practice every night in the garage to enhance our chemistry and skills.

Rumours permeated the Internet, about the members of 2046 being at loggerheads. That's what it is like when someone rises to stardom. Calls came in, emails flooded our inbox, but we did not know how to handle it. Our manager was then introduced to us. His name was X, Manager X. We did not query about his name as we were attracted by his dressing style and his handsome looks. Dressed in a red skull shirt under a black vest with chains, donning leather pants, his eyes hidden under aviator shades. Spiked golden hair, long sideburns and his fringe combed to the left, he was a typical hip hop punk kind of guy. Though he was merely 17, with his looks and his well built body structure, it was enough to cause me to not be able to make my eyes leave him.

In a bid to surpress the rumours, he told the media that 2046 had been arranged in a trip to go overseas, to relieve the stress we had gone through these days. Nothing more was said, neither the location nor duration. That left our supporters feeling cryptic but at least it surpressed the rumours.

P.s See where we are going for our vacation!

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