Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 2 Oral

Picture discussion

This picture depicts women attempting to cut the hair on a mannequinn's head. These women are probably here to learn how to become a hairdresser. They are trying to cut the hair on the dummy's head and learning the different styles of cutting different people's hair. Those women are most probably from Phillipines and do not have anything that they can work as when they go overseas and look for a job, and thus are learning a new skill in order to survive when they go to a foreign country. I think they are very happy to be here because they are all smiling while learning this new skill. They seem to brim with enthusiasm and are very keen to perfect their skills, as this is a skill which ensure their survival when they go to a foreign country. I think the next activity for these women are to learn how to wash the hair of the dummy as there is a conditioner placed in the middle of the table which is most probably for the dummies after the hair is being cut.

1.Tell me about your favourite hairstyle

My favourite hairstyle is with medium length fringe and long hair. I part my fringe to the right and comb the longer hair back. I do not really enjoy going to the hairdresser as some hairdressers do not cut my hair well and I end up looking really wierd. Therefore, I seldom want to go to the hairdresser unless my hair grows too thick. For me, hairstyles are of a certain importance as if reflects on yourself if your hairstyle is badly maintained. It need not be too lavish, but it at least must look normal if not when people see you, their impression of you would be tarnished. My fringe is more important so i will ask the hairdresser not to cut my fringe above the eyebrows. If the hairdresser does not cut my hair well, I will try to clip up all my fringe or wear a cap whenever possible to cover up my hair till it grows back. I would usually go to a $10 cut because it is the nearest available hairdresser. Unless I go to cut my hair with my friends, I would go to the $10 cut shop. Haircuts are just to make your hairstyle look better and neater so a simple cut to make me look neat would be good enough.

2.What is your view about CCTV or security cameras in public places?

I think security cameras are important in public places such as shopping centres, lifts or other shops because it can ensure that no one steals or does anything illegal in such places. In shopping centres, security cameras can ensure that no one is shoplifting, and if anyone does they can be stopped. In lifts, they can prevent molestation or crimes if a security guard is watching the security cameras and stop the crime from happening. These devices are necessary in certain places, but there are also certain places that are not suitable to have these security cameras. Such examples are toilets and fitting rooms, if these places have those cameras, the people in it would feel a lack of privacy, and it is also illegal because it is an invasion of privacy to have such cameras when people are changing. Security cameras can make people relaxed or tense depending on the person and situation. In shopping centres or lifts, those people who want to commit crimes like shoplifting or molesting would feel tense when they see such cameras. As for people who are innocent and are not intending to do anything illegal, they would feel relaxed. If the cameras are placed in fitting rooms or toilets, the people inside may feel tense to do their businesses faster as there is something watching them which will cause them to feel tense as it is invading their privacy

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