Saturday, July 11, 2009

T2W10 Adventures Of 2046 (20)

I cooked porridge for him as it would be easier for him to eat. Initially i thought he would not like porridge as in my opinion he was a rich young master that had eaten many delicacies. I felt like i was making him condscend by making porridge for him. Seeming to have discovered my worries, he assured me that he liked to eat homecooked porridge rather than delicacies. I felt that such a caring guy was long extinct, but i was wrong. He told me that he preferred to lead a idyllic life, by the beach in a pent house, where he could gaze at the stars every night while listening to the sound of the waves. He asked me if i felt that he was a encumbrance to me as i had to take care of him and could not study. I tried to jocose him by agreeing that he was a burden, but he knew i was just joking.

T2W9 Adventures Of 2046 (19)

We woke up as the sky was lighted up with the sun's golden rays. Walking back to our house, which wasn't very far from the beach, we washed up and changed into our uniforms. At 720am, we walked downstairs to wait for Manager X to fetch us. The same sports car drove into the porch, but inside the car it was a different person. A obese man in suit was sitting inside car. He introduced himself as his chauffeur. "Young master is sick." he said. We thought that we might want to visit him after school, so we asked if he could fetch us to his house after school. He agreed. Thanking him, we alighted from the car and walked towards our classroom. We weren't late today!

Lessons passed with a breeze, and soon after we were dismissed. The chauffeur waited for us patiently as we walked towards the car. We arrived at Manager X's house, just to see him sitting indolently by the television. He looked pathetic as he was pale, but was garrulous as usual. I stayed to take care of him as the others went back home. I felt a tinge of bliss just to be able to take care of him, but i don't know why.

T2W8 Adventure Of 2046 (18)

Lessons finally ended, and we took the train back home. Arriving at the station near our house, we decided to visit the supermarket before heading home. We had to stock up with nutritious food and other ingredients to cook. We headed different ways as Chiro and Taroko headed to buy daily necessities while me and Sasuke headed to buy cooking ingredients and other food. After paying, we lugged the grocery bags back home, took out the stuff and placed the different things into the fridge and storeroom. We took a bath in the bathrooms in our separate rooms, then went to study. We could only manage to study in sedate environments to achieve equanimity of our minds, so that we would be able to absorb what we studied. Noise would impede with our studying.

It was about time to have dinner. As i placed the rice into the rice cooker, i walked to the other side of the kitchen and started preparing the ingredients for dinner. I was almost done with cooking and setting up the dining table when they were all attracted by the aroma of food and came out of their rooms. As our palate was pretty compatible, i had little diffficulties while preparing meals for them. I was in charge of the meals, while the others had different jobs like cleaning, washing and folding clothes. I felt that my job was pretty slack compared to theirs as i enjoy cooking.

After our meal, we would go out to the beach for a walk. Enjoying the serenity of the beach and the sound of the waves hitting against the breakwaters. It was pretty therapeutic. That night, we fell asleep with the sound of the waves on the breakwaters.

T2W7 Adventure Of 2046 (17)

Slowly, i began developing a ardent interest for maths. Solving challenging mathematics problems were the happiest as you work the solutions out step by step. My aim was to reach the pinnacle of mathematics, where i could solve problems easily. Although there were an array of mathematics problem, i realized that eventually if revolves around the same rule. You will be filled with exultation when you finally are able to realize that.

After that, you will in retrospect, realize that actually solving mathematics problems can be a joy!

T2W6 Adventures Of 2046 (16)

When we walked into the class, the teacher was already there. The teacher signalled for us to walk to the front of the class, and introduced us one by one. We were seated right in front and in the middle of the class, with Chiro sitting beside me, Taroko and Sasuke were behind us.

Most of the students were paying full attention to the lessons before breaktime came, but after the break, we began to feel lethargic. Tiredness was visibly prevalent among students and it reached paramount during the third period after breaktime. Especially for me. It was mathematics, and i have had a aversion towards it since primary school. My dislike for it was intrinsic, probably because i did not have much fate with mathematics, but i decided that i would overcome it once and for all this year.

T2W5 Adventures Of 2046 (15)

As we were wondering what to do, a sports car screeched to a stop right beside us. "Hey, want me to drive y'all to school?" a voice sounded from the car. It was Manager X! We did not know why he was here, but we did not have time to think about that. All we wanted was to get to school on time. We hopped on and he drove us into our school, just in time. We got off the car, but we were stopped by the discipline master. He asked us for our names and classes. The discipline master was about to bring us to the principal's office when he was stopped by Manager X. He spoke to the discipline master softly. He was actually asking the discipline master to obiliterate our names from the detention slip as we were new to the school.

As he was talking to the discipline master, the principal walked by. "Hey dad." Manager X whispered. Though he whispered, we all heard what he said. Under the aegis of the principal, the discipline master then became congenial about giving us another chance. Then we walked off to class. As we walked, Manager X reminded us that being late could be detrimental towards the school's reputation, and he suggested that he would fetch us to school everyday so that we would not be late. I was mesmerized because he was virile in helping us by fetching us to school. Uncontrollably, i looked at him and smiled widely. He went up close right in my face, and asked me what i was doing. I was shocked and ran off into class.

T2W4 Adventure Of 2046 (14)

Yawning as i woke up, i turned to look at the clock. I was shocked. It was already 730am and school was starting at 8! It was imperative that we get ready for school. I rushed to each of the band members' doors and started waking them up. I then rushed into the bathroom to wash up, and hurriedly changed into my uniform. Since they had not washed up, i went to prepare breakfast for them. Grabbing our bags and breakfast, we rushed out of our house.

Arriving at the MRT station, it was flooded with people going to work and school. As it was the first day of school, the platform was especially filled with tired students waiting for the train. Four of us waited patiently for the train to arrive. We were heading for the school we had transferred to after we moved to Taipei, XX secondary school. The train finally arrived. People gushed into the train.

At the next stop, a elderly lady boarded the train. She saw an empty seat and was ready to sit. Just then, a inconsiderate middle aged man squeezed through and plopped onto the seat. It was absurd. Who would be so rude? Especially it was a old lady who was vulnerable. She could not balance well, and if she had to stand, she would not be inviolable. The passengers on the train felt contemptuous about that man. He didn't look that weak that he could not balance and had to sit.

After 5 more stops, we alighted. The train station was just beside our school, making it near and convenient for us. As we walked out of the train station, it started pouring. We were shocked as we were almost late for school. With the rain, i doubt we would ever reach the school on time even if it was just a traffic light away. Standing in the shelter of the pavillion, we did not know what to do next.

T2W3 Adventure Of 2046 (13)

The next day was the day before school was going to reopen. I asked the other band members to meet in the band practice room for a talk. I told them that we had to reach analogous viewpoints before we return to school, or we might be maladjusted when school reopens.

After a long talk, we decided that we would approach our pedagogue tomorrow and ask if he could give us additional lessons for the time we had missed out last year. We had to study hard. With that, we ended the talk. We decided that we had to have another good meal before tomorrow in order to neutralize the catastrophic effects on our bodies having been to busy before that.

Around evening, we ordered two pizzas. Seafood supreme and hawaiian with drumlets. We dug into the pizzas and drumlets as we were starved. In less than half an hour, the food was finished by four of us. Our stomachs were satisfied. Three of us turned to look at Chiro. We grinned at her and said, "Thanks for cleaning up for us!" With that, we ran back to each of our rooms, leaving her to clean up the crumbs. Feeling a little guilty, I decided to help her with it.

After taking a bath, I decided to play my favourite drums as I have not had time to jam with them for quite some time. I walked into the band room and started wearing ear protectors, and jammed with all my might. After years of playing them, they were still the best way to relieve stress. Not realizing it, I had jammed for 3 hours, and it was already 12 midnight. Walking quietly to my room, I buried myself under my blanket and fell fast asleep.

T2W2 Adventure Of 2046 (12)

After that major decision, we juxtaposed our decisions and thought again and again if we had made the right decision. In that paradoxing plight, we did not know what we did was right or wrong. What we knew was if we did not want to give up both, we would definitely not be able to cope. The hectic balance between studies and work would incapacitate us.

We were still pretty troubled, but we decided to visit the newly opened steamboat shop for dinner, and to countdown for the new year. The food was extremely nice tasting for all of us. It was not because the food was very nice, but because we had the company of each other whom we had regarded as family members. I admit, I was very happy to have 'family' members like them, as I did not have siblings when i was younger, so I treated them as though they were my real siblings.

Reaching home, we were slightly palliated of our troubles and drifted off to sleep..

T2W1 Adventures Of 2046 (11)

After we recovered, we began our intensive training to prepare for our first EP. It was really fun, but at the same time it wore us out. As we weren't scions of parents with fulsome opulences, we had to work hard to earn a living. Our lives at that phase were very fulfiling, though sometimes we got so busy that we could not see our parents for many months. We tried our best to call them whenever we had free time so we would at least know how they were doing.

In the period where we were preparing for our first EP, upgrading courses intensified. Life was practically full of courses. Dance courses, then to singing courses, and to music classes. We could only sleep for four hours at most during that time, other than that, we had to practise during those times when we weren't sleeping.

We did not mind sacrificing our time and sleep during that time because it was the winter holidays. Slowly, the new school year was about to begin. It was an important year. In the education of Taiwan, the third year in secondary school the students were supposed to prepare for their big examination - the leaving school examinations. Students had to get good results to get into their desired high schools. Just then, the big decision came. We were in the midst of preparing for our album, but we had to balance school too. Furthermore, it was the important year. We pondered hard and long over the decision, whether to put the preparation of the EP to a halt or give up our studies.

We held a band meeting. It was bona fide that we wanted to release a EP, but we also wanted to continue with our studies. After a long talk, we decided that we would halt the preparation for the EP to focus on our studies for a year. We could prepare for the EP anytime later, but for studies, it was a make or break.