Saturday, July 11, 2009

T2W2 Adventure Of 2046 (12)

After that major decision, we juxtaposed our decisions and thought again and again if we had made the right decision. In that paradoxing plight, we did not know what we did was right or wrong. What we knew was if we did not want to give up both, we would definitely not be able to cope. The hectic balance between studies and work would incapacitate us.

We were still pretty troubled, but we decided to visit the newly opened steamboat shop for dinner, and to countdown for the new year. The food was extremely nice tasting for all of us. It was not because the food was very nice, but because we had the company of each other whom we had regarded as family members. I admit, I was very happy to have 'family' members like them, as I did not have siblings when i was younger, so I treated them as though they were my real siblings.

Reaching home, we were slightly palliated of our troubles and drifted off to sleep..

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