Saturday, July 11, 2009

T2W8 Adventure Of 2046 (18)

Lessons finally ended, and we took the train back home. Arriving at the station near our house, we decided to visit the supermarket before heading home. We had to stock up with nutritious food and other ingredients to cook. We headed different ways as Chiro and Taroko headed to buy daily necessities while me and Sasuke headed to buy cooking ingredients and other food. After paying, we lugged the grocery bags back home, took out the stuff and placed the different things into the fridge and storeroom. We took a bath in the bathrooms in our separate rooms, then went to study. We could only manage to study in sedate environments to achieve equanimity of our minds, so that we would be able to absorb what we studied. Noise would impede with our studying.

It was about time to have dinner. As i placed the rice into the rice cooker, i walked to the other side of the kitchen and started preparing the ingredients for dinner. I was almost done with cooking and setting up the dining table when they were all attracted by the aroma of food and came out of their rooms. As our palate was pretty compatible, i had little diffficulties while preparing meals for them. I was in charge of the meals, while the others had different jobs like cleaning, washing and folding clothes. I felt that my job was pretty slack compared to theirs as i enjoy cooking.

After our meal, we would go out to the beach for a walk. Enjoying the serenity of the beach and the sound of the waves hitting against the breakwaters. It was pretty therapeutic. That night, we fell asleep with the sound of the waves on the breakwaters.

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