Saturday, July 11, 2009

T2W4 Adventure Of 2046 (14)

Yawning as i woke up, i turned to look at the clock. I was shocked. It was already 730am and school was starting at 8! It was imperative that we get ready for school. I rushed to each of the band members' doors and started waking them up. I then rushed into the bathroom to wash up, and hurriedly changed into my uniform. Since they had not washed up, i went to prepare breakfast for them. Grabbing our bags and breakfast, we rushed out of our house.

Arriving at the MRT station, it was flooded with people going to work and school. As it was the first day of school, the platform was especially filled with tired students waiting for the train. Four of us waited patiently for the train to arrive. We were heading for the school we had transferred to after we moved to Taipei, XX secondary school. The train finally arrived. People gushed into the train.

At the next stop, a elderly lady boarded the train. She saw an empty seat and was ready to sit. Just then, a inconsiderate middle aged man squeezed through and plopped onto the seat. It was absurd. Who would be so rude? Especially it was a old lady who was vulnerable. She could not balance well, and if she had to stand, she would not be inviolable. The passengers on the train felt contemptuous about that man. He didn't look that weak that he could not balance and had to sit.

After 5 more stops, we alighted. The train station was just beside our school, making it near and convenient for us. As we walked out of the train station, it started pouring. We were shocked as we were almost late for school. With the rain, i doubt we would ever reach the school on time even if it was just a traffic light away. Standing in the shelter of the pavillion, we did not know what to do next.

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